Bowl Selections

This page will show your bowl selections you made before the season began. It may not seem very important now but when the regular season is over and this is the last way your team can score points and jump into that #1 spot, you will wish that you took a couple more minutes to make sure that Championship selection was spot on.





  Other BCS Teams  




USC Oklahoma Georgia Texas Boise State Wisconsin Clemson Florida Ohio State West Virginia   = 60  


Georgia Oklahoma Illinois Ohio State Virginia Tech Missouri Clemson Florida USC West Virginia   = 60  

8th Wonder

USC Georgia Oklahoma Texas Virginia Tech BYU Clemson Florida Ohio State Arizona State   = 60  

Banana Slugs

Ohio State Georgia Oklahoma LSU Virginia Tech Wisconsin Clemson Florida USC West Virginia   = 50  


USC Georgia Oklahoma Ohio State Virginia Tech Missouri Clemson Florida Arizona State West Virginia   = 50  


Ohio State Georgia Oklahoma Auburn Missouri BYU Clemson Florida USC West Virginia   = 40  

Teabag Tebow

USC Georgia Oklahoma Texas Tech Auburn Wisconsin Clemson Florida Ohio State West Virginia   = 40  

Superfly TNT

USC Missouri Georgia Texas Tech Wake Forest Wisconsin Clemson Florida Ohio State Pittsburgh   = 30  







CF 2008 Home

Updated 08/27/2009