LOAC’s College Pool 2008 Official Rules


Choose power conference for season.

Pick all bowl games/BCS teams (10 pts each correct team)

Pick National championship game         (20 pts each correct team)

Bet on 5 games plus 1 top 25 game for each week (6 games total) by 5pm Friday or by noon before your 1st game wagered on during the week (i.e. Thursday at noon for Thursday night games)


1 of these 5 must be in your power conference (this game is worth 10pts, not 7pts)


top 25 game is only worth 3 pts (no stacking, parlays, moneyline, etc)


25 bonus points for a perfect week


Throughout the year must bet on at least 1 game from every conference. A 15 point penalty will be issued for each conference not wagered on over the course of the year.


Throughout the year must have 1 power week where you bet every game in your power conference (all games 5 games are worth 10 points, cannot be stacked, parlayed or moneyline). Also, in this week you will still wager on a top 25 game for 3 points.


At end of year your power conference win percentage is multiplied by 100 and added to your overall score (i.e. if you have a 75% win pct. Then you will receive an extra 75 points added to your score)


Each stacked game that is lost has the following penalties

            *5stack = -10pts

            4stack = -7pts

            3stack = -5pts

            2stack = -3pts


Winning Parlays are good for 7 pts for each win plus a bonus of:

            2team = +5pts (total of 19pts)

            3team = +10pts (total of 31pts)

            4team = +20pts (total of 48pts)

            5team = +30pts (total of 65pts)


Money line bets are good for 7 points plus the line of the game you bet on (you must choose the underdog)


lead bets with (P) for parlay

lead bets with ($) for moneyline

lead bets with (#) for stacks (1 thru 5)

lead bets with (PWR) for power game (lead all bets with (PWR) for power week)


*this wager may cost you points due to the fact that a 5 stack must be preformed on your power conference game or else you will be penalized for not wagering on your conference for the week (15pt penalty for not wagering on your power conference within a given week).





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