CF2017:  Season 10

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Conference Standings

Overall Standings

Power Conference Win %

2017 Team Listing

Conference Listing

First Half Rules

Bowl Season Standings (Click Here)


Bowl Season Winner:

1st Place:  $400 - JC Bama KC


Official Regular Season Final Standings:

1st Place:  $1,100 - Red Birds

2nd Place:  $600 - VCU Rams "Still Undefeated"

3rd Place:  $500 - Chuch

4th Place:  $300 - Hurricane Cam

5th Place:  $200 - Powderpuff Girls


Conference Winners:  $200 each

The North Remembers - Powderpuff Girls

Man Bear Pigs - Hurricane Cam

Jar Jar Drinks - Red Birds

Llamas Pajamas - VCU Rams "Still Undefeated"


  • Stat Correction:  War Damn Eagle was missing 2 points for the Stanford Money Line (Week 13).  This resulted in her winning the conference and also receiving 10 bonus points.  Hurricane Swagger lost 10 points as a result.


Updated 01/07/2018


Winner Payouts:

1st Place:  $1,100

2nd Place:  $600

3rd Place:  $500

4th Place:  $300

5th Place:  $200

Conference Winners:  $200 each


Bowl Season Winner:  $400




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